Thursday, October 29, 2009

David R. Archer for School Board

by Norma Fox

If you are dismayed that your ballot does not show any statement from David R. Archer, Benicia School Board Candidate, and you would like to know more about him and what he could offer to the Board, check out his blog at

A quick review of the questions and answers on that page will reveal that he brings an important set of skills and knowledge to the school board that it currently lacks.

His education and work experience are particularly strong in the area of financial expertise ( he is a Certified Internal Auditor with a Masters in Accounting and Information Systems). These skills and experience would be especially useful in guiding the board through the budgetary constraints and decisions it will face in the years ahead.

In addition, he has specialized training and experience in implementing strategic planning and organizational efficiency measures for large organizations.

It’s also nice to note that he currently has three children in our Benicia schools (elementary and middle school), and he is an active volunteer in youth sports coaching.

There are three positions open for the School Board on Nov. 3. Our two incumbents, Dana Dean and Rosie Switzer, both have proven records of quality service on the Board. It looks to me that David R. Archer would be a great complement to that team.

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